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Reopening Task Force Update 9/1/2020

September 1, 2020

Our Reopening Task Force has been hard at work to determine our next steps as a church family, and we wanted to share this update in terms of decisions around building use and policy with our church family.

Policy for Outside Use of the Building

As a faith community, we seek to balance spiritual development and social action in order to share God’s love with others. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we now find ourselves balancing these activities of the church with what we believe to be the best way to keep our local community healthy and safe. Decisions about how our building will be used for the foreseeable future must be made using a benefit-risk approach.

Given what is known about how this virus is transmitted and who is at greater risk of serious illness, we will not be worshipping in person in this building until further notice, choosing rather to pursue other, less risky modes of worship, such as virtual experiences and very small outdoor gatherings. Similarly, we will not allow other organizations or groups to use the building until further notice. This is for the protection of those group members, of FBC staff who are in the building, and for the participants in the two programs of the church that will continue to run in person: Harborlight Nursery School and the community feeding programs, Saturday lunches and Monday Night Suppers. Each of these programs has developed strict protocols to minimize the risk of infection and, therefore, we consider the social benefits of the programs to outweigh the risks.

Being open to and a part of the broader Beverly community is who we are as a congregation, and this has not changed, despite Covid-19. We continue our commitment to serve God, to do justice, and to love mercy, seeking especially now to discern the needs of our community and to meet them as best we can in a safe and healthy manner.

First Baptist Church – Building Access and Usage

Nothing could be more important to us than the health and safety of our community. The First Baptist Church in Beverly has created safety protocols for admittance within the building; holding as our utmost priority the responsible care and respect for the overall health and well-being of all our community. Please note the mandatory changes to how we currently operate to keep you and our staff safe.


Masks REQUIRED at ALL times upon entry and while inside the building. No one will be admitted into the building without a proper face (nose and mouth) covering.

CAUTION: Please do not enter the building if you have a Fever greater than 100o, Cough, Sore throat, Respiratory illness, difficulty breathing, or if you are awaiting results from a Covid test due to exposure or symptoms, or if you have come into contact with anyone testing positive for Covid within the last 14 days.

Upon Entering

FOR CONTACT TRACING, all employees, approved guests and contractors are required to register using our sign in and out procedure, located at the Main Office window. Please find and complete our sign-in form upon each entry and exit of our building.

Please use the hand sanitizer provided each time upon your entry and exit from the building.

During Your Visit – Please limit your person to person contact

Please remain at least 6 feet from any other person whenever possible while inside the building.

Restrooms are currently for FBC Church Staff and approved volunteers, HNS Staff and its students and approved building contractor use only. Please maintain no more than a single adult in each restroom at a time.

For Inquiries:

Our Church Main Office can be reached by phone at: 978-922-3295
Harborlight Nursery School Office can be reached by phone at: 978-927-9030

Thank you for your cooperation, compliance, and efforts to help keep those in our building and our community healthy and safe during this time.