Sunday, October 23rd Schedule
October 24, 2016
Join us tomorrow, Sunday, October 23rd, for a warm day of worship and fellowship, no matter what the weather brings!
9:30 a.m. – Adult Education Classes with childcare provided
11:00 a.m. – Worship in our sanctuary! Rev. Julie Flowers will continuing our sermon mini-series “On This We Stand” with a sermon focusing on the Autonomy of the Local Church. The JoyRingers youth bell choir will be ringing and, of course, the Sanctuary Vocal Choir will be singing. There will be a Stepsitters message for all children, and our Multiage Children’s Class will meet following that time.
Noon – The Children/Youth Choir will rehearse in the Music Room with Esther (nut-free snacks will be provided!)
ALSO – our NEW Middle School/Senior High class and discussion experience will be kicked off tomorrow! ALL Middle School/Senior High youth are invited to meet in the kitchen immediately following worship to make (and enjoy!) a meal together while exploring topics of faith, the Bible, and everyday life – and how they all intersect! This gathering will last until approximately 1:15!
4:00 p.m. – Middle School Fellowship – plans call for a hike and scavenger hunt! If the weather won’t cooperate, we will be playing Capture the Flag and other favorite games using the whole church building!
6:00 p.m. – Senior High Fellowship – the group will meet at the church for a fun and funny photo scavenger hunt experience. Dinner will also be served!
*Both our Middle School and Senior High youth groups are ALWAYS open to all youth from the wider community!*
Come and check us out! Come and join us! Share this post and spread the word! We hope to see you soon!